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    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom archív.

    International Society of Hypertension Congress 2024
    [2024.03.18.] - MHT Web-szerkesztőség - Hírkategória: Általános

    Az International Society of Hypertension következő kongresszusa 2024. szeptember 19-22 között lesz Cartagena-ban, Kolumbiában.


    Regisztráció:  https://ish2024.org/registration/ 

    Register for the 30th Congress of the ISH in the charming and emblematic city of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia: https://ish2024.org/registration/ 


    Absztrakt beadási határidő: LEJÁRT! (2024. április 30.)


    The ISH2024 Meeting will focus on four main themes:


    1. Hypertension care with multidisciplinary teams and standardized processes – the meeting will also explore the application of telemedicine and the new remote patient monitoring techniques
    2. Predictive and analytical models of response to non-pharmacological and pharmacological therapies
    3. Evaluation and treatment of special populations: elderly, ethnic groups, minorities, frail and multi-morbid patients
    4. Applied research and translational medicine: molecular and pathophysiological mechanisms, genetic factors and hypertension in animal models.


    Social media

     Retweet this ISH2024 Twitter/X post: https://x.com/ish_2024/status/1712117005145280621?s=20 

     Share this LinkedIn post: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7168515175086567425 


    Text for social media

     Register for the International Society of Hypertension 2024 Scientific Meeting #ISH2024! 

     The meeting takes place from 19 – 22 September in the beautiful and historic city of Cartagena, Colombia. 

     Find out more: https://ish2024.org/en 





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